Українська версія

Well.. Seeing is believing…


A gallery of situations when the only possible reaction is – what the fuck ..?

It’s just rain..

Raindrops are falling on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed..

It’s just rain..
The city hall is full of fools. The mayor’s just as good..
An illegal construction is where it all began..
Though, Cosmos sees it all..

It’s just rain.. and fools on posts..

Raindrops are falling on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed..

Сosmos sees it all..

Buy yourself some oncology..

The study of the safety of electromagnetic waves of high-voltage transmission lines on the brain and the human body as a whole proved that dangerous effects can lead to a number of diseases: radio waves – to an increase in the number of leukocytes, a change in heart rate and blood pressure. Sometimes, as a result of the radiation of power lines, dysfunctions occur at the cellular level. The negative impact of electromagnetic fields of power lines on humans and on certain components of ecosystems is directly proportional to the power of the field and the time of exposure.
The most low-power electrical line is harmless only at a 100 meter distance!

If you would like to live near the power lines – be prepared to treat cancer..


Stop it!..

Stop it!..

Stop it!..

Stop it!..

Stop it!..

It's just rain..
What possible way out is there? Moratorium. Moratorium on construction. At the level of the Presidential Decree. Right now. Immediately. Prohibition to make collective decisions. Every resolution or permission should have a well-known author. If the decision was collegial, the whole collegium should go to prison.
Conducting comprehensive geological surveys. The situation can still be saved. It will not be easy, but it is still possible. I hope.
Forbidding wanna-be mayors and architects to issue town-planning conditions and restrictions without coordination with the central authority, which should be created. Which should also be responsible for the appearance as well. Lviv is unique and it belongs to all of Ukraine. Iniquity of one person must not completely destroy this architectural gem. We also have just one Kyiv, Odesa, Chernihiv..
It’s just rain.. and fools on posts…
If the salary is not tied to the result, the result will be equal to zero.
Need arguments and examples? No problem:
For example, every single government official. Would you like to tell me I’m wrong? I’m ready to listen to your arguments ..))
To be one step ahead / in order not to spread spam / – if people have failed to provide a result in twenty-five years. Please notice that those were the same people every time. The deck of officials is being shuffled from time to time, but people fall out of it in very rare cases..
Do you not know why? That is why. They get paid without expectations of results.. Or rather, they pay themselves without expecting results from themselves.
But, as always, there is a small detail..)) – that’s the best case scenario. And those do not occur very often.
Actually, a vertical is constructed. The scheme is simple.. ridiculously simple. Nobody does anything at all and does not even going to. Money is being borrowed wherever possible. It’s being stolen. When the time comes to give it back – they raise the fee for utilities and everything else within reaching distance. Damn, well you didn’t expect them to give up their own now, did you?..))
I’m simply in a frenzy of delight when “journalists” say: “Money earned through corruption..” Maybe that money is stolen – no? Is it uncomfortable to pronounce stolen? In that case, maybe we should throw the legislation out the window..)) They robbed you on the street – that’s money earned through robbery. Perhaps, it’s better to say stolen – no..?
Buy yourself some oncology...
The study of the safety of electromagnetic waves of high-voltage transmission lines on the brain and the human body as a whole proved that dangerous effects can lead to a number of diseases: radio waves – to an increase in the number of leukocytes, a change in heart rate and blood pressure. Sometimes, as a result of the radiation of power lines, dysfunctions occur at the cellular level. The negative impact of electromagnetic fields of power lines on humans and on certain components of ecosystems is directly proportional to the power of the field and the time of exposure.
If you would like to live near the power lines – be prepared to treat cancer..
The USSR communists needed healthy people — they needed soldiers. Today’s communists are interested in money, therefore sanitary and security standards have been reduced.
Today’s normative distances for power transmission line sanitary zones do not take into account the harmful effects of magnetic radiation from overhead lines, only electric ones. However, it is the influence of the electromagnetic field on a person that is tens or even hundreds of times more dangerous to health!
The most low-power electrical line is harmless only at a 100 meter distance! Power lines carry a voltage that is as close as possible to the corona discharge threshold. Under bad weather conditions, this discharge dumps a cloud of oppositely charged ions into the atmosphere. The electric field created by them can severely exceed the permissible harmless values even at a great distance from the power lines.
Info from the web site:
Underground power lines are safe and they are widely used when laying electrical networks in cities and industrial enterprises in Europe.
While here we have a deputy, who was laughing and saying on TV – it appears, the Germans bury wires in the ground .. can you imagine – aren’t they idiots..? I’m not aware if he’s in on it in the construction “business” or if he’s just a fool, but … Germans!!! Germans..! – take him away from us somewhere .. To a cuckoo’s nest or something..
Are you still amused by Germans burying wires into the ground?
Life hack:
How to determine the voltage of power lines on your own?
Finding out the amount of kV is quite simple – you need to pay attention to the number of wires in a bundle of one phase. So: 2 wires – 330 kV, 3 wires – 500 kV, 4 wires – 750 kV. The smaller voltage class of power lines is determined by the number of insulators: 3-5 insulators – 35 kV, 6-8 insulators – 110 kV, 15 insulators – 220 kV.
And stay healthy.


Social Realism. Soviet poster. Do you truly wonder who the author is..?))

Social Realism. Soviet propaganda poster. Every Komsomol member has a life debt))))

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