If You were the Mona Lisa, You’d be hanging in the Louvre..
Here is a collection of works by would-be artists. What for..? No particular reason besides looking at clowns..))
The girl with an oar.
The girl pointed out above has an oar, which is just as pointed and together they are a symbol of “plaster social realism.” One of the first symbols of Soviet idiocy. Idiocy in culture, art and everything that has a connection to these words. Strong connection. Związek radziecki..
The height of the original sculpture was about 12 meters. “Sculptor” – Ivan Shadr. The beginning of the Soviet art school. Under the Soviets, the so-called socialist realism was the only officially approved “creative method” of literature and art in the Soviet Union. Everything else was branded as fake art and got forbidden.
At first, the girl with an oar was placed in Moscow, then in Luhansk, and later they started growing in all the cities just like mushrooms. The original by Shadr has not been preserved, but a copy is kept at the Tretyakov Gallery. Damn, now that’s art..))
Transgender lion..
Transgenderness is a collective term for the phenomena of social and biological gender discrepancy.
It’s just like with officials – the social (official) and biological (corrupt thief and at the same time a good gay fellow).
The lion, though..
Gentlemen, authors of the project:
What you have created is a transgender or a transsexual lion (that’s just politically correct so that not to write what a lion with women’s hips and ass really looks like). That’s a lion – with curvy bums.. Mister sculptor, have you ever seen a lion? Or were you doing someone’s bidding? Are you familiar with the fact that that “monument” is dedicated to people, who are heroes with a clear conscience, people with steel will and, finally, with steel balls. And something tells me that there weren’t any lady boys among them. And those spread fingers – as one man wrote on FB – “that’s how children’s hands look like when they accidentally stick them in shit…”
The author of the “masterpiece” is Volodymyr Orestovych Tsisaryk. Acording to Wikipedia: he is a Ukrainian sculptor, author of monumental works in various cities of Ukraine..
Damn, in different cities too..
Oh wow!.. that Lviv..
Throughout 1996–1998, a two-stage contest took place with the qualifications-based selection of applicants. The project determined as the winner was presented by O. Bazyuk and O. Ohonovsky with the participation of V. Shvets (at that time, the chief architect of Lviv) and V. Knyazyk. Construction continued throughout 1998-2005.
In the vernacular – they call it the “toilet.” At first, there was a bank that belonged to the President’s son-in-law and now it’s empty. Idiots constructed it and even greater idiots allowed it.. Why..???
ЗаIBIS маньовры..
Архітектор данило швець. Його батько автор ідіотизму на площі Міцкевича.
Замовник – алєксіс деларофф, генеральный директор компании ООО «Рашэн Мэнэджмэнт Хотэл Кампани» (ACCOR Hospitality). Москва.
Співучасник – андрійвановыч.
The girl with an oar..
For example, someone named Karl, and not the one who stole something from Clara, but the other – who says that there is no living without corruption. Practice to perfection – there’s a good fellow !)). Or someone named Shportnikov – who previously said the same thing – fine fellow. Handsome and blue, just like five rubles back in the USSR. He also worked well. Maybe out of vengeance.. Although, what reasons for revenge could he have now – full legalize for pretty young men all around.
Someone asked me when will there be culture in Ukraine – in the sense of theaters-shmeaters one wouldn’t be ashamed of. Here’s my answer – when the article on homosexuality is returned to the criminal code. Not earlier. A ban could be also imposed on the gay mafia in the structures related to culture, but that would be gay harassment, right?))
Mrs. Natasha, however, had an idea how to save theaters — to disperse them completely and be gone with them, especially the ones in Zhytomyr. Though, apparently she is busy with other projects and has no time for theaters. Even in Zhytomyr. Money won’t collect itself, after all)))..
Transgender lion..
If the salary is not tied to the result, the result will be equal to zero.
Need arguments and examples? No problem:
For example, every single government official. Would you like to tell me I’m wrong? I’m ready to listen to your arguments ..))
To be one step ahead / in order not to spread spam / – if people have failed to provide a result in twenty-five years. Please notice that those were the same people every time. The deck of officials is being shuffled from time to time, but people fall out of it in very rare occasions..
Do you not know why? That is why. They get paid without expectations of results.. Or rather, they pay themselves without expecting results from themselves.
But, as always, there is a small detail..)) – that’s the best case scenario. And those do not occur very often.
Actually, a vertical is constructed. The scheme is simple.. ridiculously simple. Nobody does anything at all and isn’t even going to. Money is being borrowed wherever possible. It’s being stolen. When the time comes to give it back – they raise the fee for utilities and everything else within reaching distance. Damn, well you didn’t expect them to give up their own now, did you?..))
I’m simply in a frenzy of delight when “journalists” say: “Money earned through corruption..” Maybe that money is stolen – no? Is it uncomfortable to pronounce stolen? In that case, maybe we should throw the legislation out the window..)) They robbed you on the street – that’s money earned through robbery. Perhaps, it’s better to say stolen – no..?
Oh wow!.. that Lviv..
Before my very eyes great changes get unraveled
From now on I will neither eat or sleep
So I don’t miss a thing of it by chance..
I walk around the city and think – why is all the money running past me? I decided to start my own business. I shall build a store on Rynok Square. At the back of the town hall and right across that trendy restaurant with fish – I will own a boutique shop “Two steps from the town hall.” And not something near the trashcans and made out of dirty brown wood, but a four-story crafted one. However, the Amphitrite fountain and the trees don’t really fit into the picture.. But never mind, I’ll think of something later … I will place the Amphitrite for sale at the flea market and the boys will cut the trees at night. We just need to look at the sale price of the centuries-old furniture from the pharmacy-museum when they sold it on olx to avoid a bad bargain with Amphitrite.
Then I will have money for a bribe.. Wait, what bribe? Our officials always stress that they don’t take bribes.
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